City takes precautions as Province declares state of emergency
BELLEVILLE, Ont. (03/16/20)—An concerned elderly woman wears a medical mask to prevent the spread of germs as she heads to her bus stop at the Robert E. Ladoucier bus terminal located on 165 Pinnacle Street.
In a report published by The Canadian Press on Mar. 20, Ontario Premier Doug Ford declared a state of emergency in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, noting that it was an unprecedented time in our history and the decision was not made lightly. He continued, that the order bans public events of over 50 people, including parades, events and services within places of worship until Mar 31 — effective immediately. The province also ordered the closure of all facilities providing indoor recreation programs, all public libraries, all private schools, all licensed childcare centres, all theatres, cinemas and concert venues, and all bars and restaurants except to provide takeout food and delivery. Ford explained that this is not a provincial shut down and the majority businesses won't be affected by the order and essential services, such as grocery stores, will continue to operate.
Following the emergency declaration by the province, the city of Belleville’s Emergency Management Control Group along with Hastings Prince Edward Public Health met this morning to discuss further actions the municipality is taking to address concerns arising from COVID-19. Effective tomorrow morning, the following actions will be taken. They have since decided that a number of facilities will be closed for the next three weeks, including the Quinte Sports & Wellness Centre, the Belleville Public Library including John M. Parrott Art Gallery and the community archives, the Glanmore National Historic Site, the Public Works building, the Belleville Water building, and all community centres including Parkdale community centre, Hillcrest and Gerry Masterson Thurlow and Foster Ward community centres. Additionally, access to City Hall is restricted to only those persons who have scheduled an appointment. During this time, residents are encouraged to access online City services, and are encouraged to conduct business via telephone or online instead of in-person. They can contact customer service at 613-968-6481.
A list of online city services:
Belleville Public Library Resources -
Property Tax Portal and Utilities Portal -
Building Permit Applications -
Bylaw Complaints -
Public Works Concerns -
Council and Planning Advisory Committee Livestreams -
Parking Ticket Payment Portal -
Marriage License, Death and Birth Certificates -
Other Payment Options -
Upcoming public events have also seen cancellations for the foreseeable future, including Ward 2 Town Hall Meetings and Council meetings closed to the public (although residents can stream online), along with non-essential committee and statutory meetings, all QSWC special events and public information centres postpone. The local Farmers Market has also been suspended.
Belleville Transit will continue to run as scheduled at this time, though residents have been asked to practice recommended hygiene etiquette while utilizing transit, such as social distancing, as much as possible, meaning a minimum of two metres be kept to help prevent the spread of the virus.
“We will hear more from our Federal Government this afternoon but in the meantime, we will do what we can to best protect our residents,” said Mayor Mitch Panciuk. “We have a high level of confidence in our life-saving and operational services. These are unprecedented times,” he continued, mirroring Ford’s earlier statement. “We’re not sure what the future holds but we do know that we will overcome this.”
For ongoing COVID-19 updates and ways to best protect you and your family, please visit:
Photo and story by Jonathan Matthie.